The Priorities, Time and Self-management training was swiftly followed by a second day that complemented and followed on from the first, this centred on overcoming procrastination. Like the day before, this session was run by Jamie McDonald.
This course was designed for those who want to get on with what they’ve set out to do, but who may also have perfectionist tendencies, take on too much, are scared of mistakes or feedback, or who find it difficult to take the first step.
The intended outcomes for the day were to bring a greater awareness of choice to those tricky situations. This particularly focussed on:
• Awareness of behaviours that can trip you up
• Gaining a better insight into reasons for these behaviours
• Having access to a range of approaches that can be used to get back into action
• Identifying a set of practices to use back in the workplace
One SWWDTP researcher who attended commented that:
“I learned how we invent destructive rules for living to avoid confirming fears about ourselves, the importance of visual imagery in reframing our approach to procrastination, and the variety of reasons for procrastination that all work together to sabotage progress.”
The day proved to be a success with all respondents indicating that they found the training both well run and useful in supporting their research. With thanks to Jamie McDonald for hosting this session.
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