We are the leading doctoral training entity for Arts and Humanities research students in the South, West and Wales regions. As champions of the benefits of networks and co-produced outputs between academia and the public and private sectors, we collaborate with creative, cultural, civic, and commercial organisations of varying sizes and undertakings.

Types of collaboration

We offer three main types of collaboration:


Placements allow one or more of our students to work with you for up to six months (minimum one month) on a specific project that helps your organisation achieve its strategic aims. We can work with you to define what this might look like in practice.

Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs)

A CDA is a funded studentship to enable doctoral research on a discrete project that supports your organisation’s priorities and objectives. Projects are co-designed by your organisation and two academic supervisors from within the SWWDTP network. A project may result in direct outputs that benefits you, as well as the dissertation itself.


This is a reciprocal arrangement between your organisation and the SWWDTP regarding in-house training opportunities. We run a training programme designed to enhance research and critical evaluation skills that we would make available to your organisation. In turn, our students would be able to participate in aspects of your own in-house training programme that would enhance their employability.

If something else springs to mind that could work for you, please do get in contact.

Why you should partner with us

We provide access to high calibre researchers who have a range of skillsets and backgrounds. Each researcher brings their unique expertise and experience within and beyond their subject area. Mmany have worked in industry prior to starting their PhD.

Partners can draw on the expertise and skills of our researchers that resonate most with their organisational needs. This could be addressing skills gaps, building capacity, and amplifying resources to heighten and advance new avenues and knowledge.

If you would like to know more, please get in touch by emailing: swwdtp-enquiries@bristol.ac.uk

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