
One of the most important features of a PhD is that you are guided by the leading scholars in your fields of interest.

If you are reading this, then this may be because you know that the world specialist in your topic is based at one of our consortium institutions. Or perhaps one of our consortium members is your most accessible world-class institution.

Once you have identified a scholar who works in the area you are interested in, you are advised to reach out directly to that specialist as soon as possible to ask if they would be interested in and able to supervise your proposed topic.

One of the unique features of the SWWDTP is that we provide co-supervision. Since arts and humanities research in inherently interdisciplinary, and has broad social and practical applicability, we enable you to be supervised by world-class researchers across the fields that your project encompasses.

Discuss with your proposed home institution supervisor who else in our consortium would be well placed to co-supervise your research project to create the ideal supervisory team, or browse through the following options to see who is doing research in your area of interest within our consortium.


Un o nodweddion pwysicaf PhD yw eich bod yn cael eich arwain gan ysgolheigion blaenllaw yn eich meysydd o ddiddordeb.

Os ydych chi’n darllen hwn, efallai bod hyn golygu eich bod eisoes yn gwybod bod yr arbenigwr yn eich pwnc wedi’i ll·leoli yn un o’n sefydliadau consortiwm. Neu efallai mai un o aelodau ein consortiwm yw’r sefydliad safon fyd-eang sy’n fwyaf hygyrch i chi.

Unwaith y byddwch wedi nodi ysgolhaig sy’n gweithio yn y maes y mae gennych ddiddordeb ynddo, fe’ch cynghorir i gysylltu â nhw yn uniongyrchol cyn gynted â phosibl i ofyn a fyddai ganddynt ddiddordeb yn eich pwnc arfaethedig ac a allent fod yn oruchwylydd arnoch.

Un o nodweddion unigryw y SWWDTP yw ein bod yn darparu cyd-oruchwylio. Gan fod ymchwil y celfyddydau a’r dyniaethau yn ​​rhyngddisgyblaethol yn ei hanfod, a bod iddo draweffaith gymdeithasol ac ymarferol eang, rydym yn eich galluogi i gael eich goruchwylio gan ymchwilwyr o safon fyd-eang ar draws y meysydd y mae eich prosiect yn eu cwmpasu.

Trafodwch â’ch goruchwylydd sefydliad cartref arfaethedig pwy arall yn ein consortiwm fyddai mewn sefyllfa dda i gyd-oruchwylio eich prosiect ymchwil i greu’r tîm goruchwylio delfrydol, neu allwch bori trwy’r opsiynau canlynol i weld pwy sy’n gwneud ymchwil yn eich maes diddordeb o fewn ein consortiwm.

Consortium institutions

Prifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University

Mae Prifysgol Aberystwyth yn cynnig goruchwyliaeth mewn nifer o feysydd o fewn y celfyddydau a’r dyniaethau.

Gydag adnoddau arobryn, gan gynnwys Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, yr Archif Genedlaethol Sgrîn a Sain, ac Archif Ddarlledu Genedlaethol Cymru ar stepen y drws, dyma’r lleoliad ymchwil delfrydol.

Darpar oruchwylwyr a’u diddordebau ymchwil

Aberystwyth University offers supervision in a range of subject areas within the arts and humanities.

With unrivalled resources, including the National Library of Wales, The National Screen and Sound Archive, and the National Broadcast Archive of Wales on its doorstep, it is the ideal research location.

Potential supervisors and their research interests

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Bath Spa University

Bath Spa University offers research degree supervision in a number of subject areas across the arts and humanities, with particular strengths in creative practice-led research projects.

Offering cutting edge media facilities, modern workshops at its new Locksbrook campus and strong links with local partner organisations, Bath Spa University is recognised as a centre for excellence in Creative Writing and Music in particular.

Potential supervisors and their research interests

  • Creative writing
  • Environmental humanities
  • Nature and travel writing
  • Heritage management
  • Music
  • Drama and performance
  • History

Find a supervisor at Bath Spa

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University of Bristol

At Bristol, you can find a supervisor within Faculty of Arts staff, and filter further by the relevant school or centre.

Please note that this list includes temporary staff and doctoral students as well, so make sure to get in touch with your prospective supervisor to discuss.

Note: If you are looking for a supervisor in a particular area or already know the name of a prospective supervisor, you can also search the University of Bristol Research Portal.

Potential supervisors and their research interests

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Cardiff University | Prifysgol Caerdydd

Schools | Ysgolion

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Cranfield University

Cranfield University provides opportunities for supervision across a wide range of academic disciplines, often in niche areas.

The University is divided into four ‘Themes’ rather than the more typical Faculties and Departments that exist at many other universities.

Potential supervisors and their research interests


Conservation and Museum Studies

Information and Communication Technologies

Law and Legal Studies

Library and Information Studies

Philosophy (Philosophy of Science and Mathematics and Mathematical Logic)

Political Science and International Studies

Theology, Divinity and Religion (Islam)


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University of Exeter

The University of Exeter is rated among the top 100 universities for the study of arts and humanities in the world.

It is home to The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, one of the largest collections of material relating to the moving image in Britain; a state-of-the-art Digital Humanities Lab offering unique spaces, equipment and training for students, and an outstanding Special Collections on the literary and cultural history of the South West.

The University has a strong interdisciplinary approach to its work and its research groups and centres draw from experts in many fields.

Potential supervisors and their research interests

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University of Reading

Potential supervisors and their research interests

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University of Southampton

The University of Southampton offers supervision across a wide range of arts and humanities research. The Faculty of Arts and Humanities hosts a number of world class research institutes, including:

  • The Southampton Institute for Arts and Humanities
  • The Parkes Institute
  • The Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art, Design and Media
  • The Confucius Institute

The faculty also has a number of non-HEI Partners, including:

  • The Tate Museum
  • The Victorial and Albert Museum
  • The Jane Austen House
  • The National Trust
  • transmediale: the new media arts festival in Berlin)

Potential supervisors and their research interests

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University of the West of England

UWE Bristol offers supervision across a wide range of subject areas within AHRC primary research supported by SWW2.

Potential supervisors and their research interests

UWE colleagues can provide supervision for any proposal. For the full range of expertise see:

Should you have further questions about SWW at UWE in general, please contact Dr Bernhard Gross, UWE Academic Lead for SWW, at Bernhard.Gross@uwe.ac.uk.

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