SWWDTP students participate in cross-disciplinary research clusters to extend their research development and training beyond each programme’s immediate research field. The clusters have been developed around themes and questions of wide resonance that will enable cross-disciplinary dialogue and knowledge exchange.

Current and past SWWDTP clusters

How the research clusters work

  • SWWDTP research clusters are student-led, with academic support and advice.
  • Students can get involved with multiple clusters.
  • The clusters are adaptive to the needs of each cohort and we encourage students to set up new interdisciplinary clusters based on their research interests.
  • Students engage in discussion and debate across institutional boundaries using the SWWDTP’s research cluster Facebook group and at the biannual cohort days.
  • Students organise and run research cluster activities and events, with academic and DTP admin support where needed.
  • The cross-disciplinary activities bring together students, academics and representatives from our external partners to interrogate topics and resources of common interest.
  • Possible activities include conferences, workshops, seminars, poster sessions, screenings, public events, performances, visits and walks…the list goes on!
  • Students apply to the SWWDTP for funding to support activities.

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