There are two separate routes through which you can apply for a SWWDTP doctoral studentship. You can apply for both Award types in the same round, but separate applications are necessary, given the different nature of each Award type.
We invite high-quality applications from prospective students who wish to propose their own research project. The SWWDTP requires students to have two supervisors from two separate institutions within the consortium, unless the necessary expertise can only be found in a single institution; such circumstances are exceptional.
Your preferred supervisors must have agreed to supervise your project and you will have to apply both to the SWWDTP and to the institution where your lead supervisor is based. You should work closely with your preferred supervisors when framing your application. Their advice will help optimise your submission.
Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs) are doctoral studentship projects which are developed by consortium academics working in collaboration with an organisation outside of higher education. The supervisory team is pre-determined and consists of two consortium academics and a member of the partner organisation.
CDAs embed the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of work outside the university environment and enhance the employment-related skills and training which a student may gain during the course of their award.
Three CDA awards are available for entry in September 2024.
Non-UK nationals are eligible to apply for both Student-Led and Collaborative Doctoral Awards. The level of tuition fee paid for international students is the same as that for UK home students.
Each consortium member determines how it manages the difference between its home and international student fees. Please check the relevant funding pages of your chosen home institution for its policy on how it manages this difference. Most consortium members waive the difference.
© 2025 South, West & Wales Doctoral Training Partnership