We provide flexible, student-centred training that nurtures disciplinary expertise in conjunction with interdisciplinary perspectives. You will benefit from bespoke individual opportunities along with collective cohort development.
This unique programme provides flexible access for the individual student to both core skills training and opportunities for student-responsive and student-led activities, enabling the development of disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, and interpersonal skills according to a student’s project and career development needs.
The Core Skills training provides access to the SWW2 enabling methods, providing opportunities to consider the techniques and approaches available to connect research activity.
The Student-responsive training offers a flexible approach to individual student training needs including access to funding to undertake specialist methodological skills development/career placements. The thematic setting for student-led activities provides an environment in which new, challenge-based thinking and intellectually stimulating conversations can take place.
Our non-HEI partners contribute to both core skills and student-responsive training events, offering opportunities to develop transferable and entrepreneurial skills valued by both students and prospective employers.
This unique programme focuses on the development of transdisciplinary and transferable skills and will be delivered throughout the year . The programme consists of two strands of training:
Training focused on the development of transdisciplinary and transferable skills: providing innovative, high-quality research training in the arts and humanities at the interfaces with sciences and social sciences.
Applied training to support interdisciplinary working and develop employability skills focusing on public engagement, knowledge exchange, impact, and entrepreneurship.
This second element of the SWW2 training programme takes a flexible approach to student needs, with student-facing and student-led events and a wide choice of training options across the SWW2 members:
Each year SWW2 will develops a programme of collaborative training, bespoke to the needs of each cohort. This training not only allows students to develop their knowledge of particular research skills and methodologies but provides an opportunity for students and academics to engage in interdisciplinary debate with their peers and experts in the field.
Where individual student needs are identified that are not catered for within the consortium, funding can be provided to meet these needs. Examples of needs-based training may include language learning, specialist methodological skills development and specific placements.
Students are encouraged to choose additional training from the programmes available across the consortium. Students can access training at any institution, regardless of where they are registered. Consortium-level training includes subject-specific training in disciplinary methods and approaches to research.
These informal groups, created and managed by the students themselves have proved to be innovative, flexible, and stimulating in SWW1. Each cluster has its own rationale, coherence, and natural life-span. In SWW2, students will be encouraged to form clusters within or across the themes – and to propose new themes which better correspond to their emerging shared concerns.
Students organise and run research cluster activities and events throughout the year (from the traditionally academic such as conferences, seminars, and talks to events such as Fun Palaces, creative projects, and student-led writing sessions) culminating in two annual research cluster full-day events. These dedicated day provide space for clusters to present their research to the cohort and for students to develop new clusters and bespoke training events for future activities.
The annual Summer Festival is the culmination of SWW2 training for that academic year. Students will be given opportunities and specific space and time to plan and deliver creative projects with non-HEI partners – from posters to plays, from music to digital media – that showcase research (by individuals or a cluster).
The Festival will enable networking and discussion between and across disciplines, students, and non-HEI partners.
With support from SWW2 academics and staff. Research Clusters will devise a programme for each Festival, providing opportunities for students to develop employability skills such as project planning, event management and budget control.
© 2025 South, West & Wales Doctoral Training Partnership