Summer Research Festival 2023

Festival Programme

Our summer research festival will be hybrid (Aberystwyth University and online) from 14th June – 16th June 2023.

All events are free to attend.

Day 1: Wednesday 31st August

Festival Welcome (12:00-12:30)

Festival opened by SWW DTP Director Tamar Hodos and Overview of Sessions


13:30 – 15:00 = Session 1: New Methods, New Approaches 

Three conference paper presentations followed by Q&A –

University‘Child Participation and Climate Change Litigation: Methodological Approaches in a Legally Disruptive Territory’

‘Humanity Measures Itself: Self-Measuring and a New “Post-Measuring” Discourse’

‘A Literature Review: Industrial Symbiosis Modelling Approaches in the Last Decade’

‘Ontological Disputes: Between Language and Reality’

‘The Unchanging Essay: Anthologisation as Stasis’

15:30 – 16:30 = Panel 1 – ‘Changes in Methods and Research Practices’

Robert Symmons, Rada Varga, Paula Granados Garcia and Stella Wisdom

16:30 – 17:30 = Session 2 – ‘Labour, Resistance, Capital and Control’

‘Preaching Resistance: Anti-Communist Sermons, Spiritual Dissidence and the Transnational Radical Right’

‘Petitioning Publicans: Alcohol Licensing and Occupational Adaptation in Eighteenth-Century London’

‘Idealising the Labour of Shoemakers and Clothiers in Thomas Deloney’s Prose Works’

Day 2: Thursday 1st September

09:45 – 11:00 = Session 3 – ‘Performance and Perception’

‘“I am destroyed”: Ageing, Dying and the Cinematic Courtesan in Pakeezah and Kalank’

‘Rethinking Asian Cross-cultural Adaptation Beyond the East-West Binary’

‘The Evolution of Dubstep: Convergence and Musico-cultural Change’

‘Blood and Milk: Breastfeeding in Opera around 1700’

‘The Freedom of Odysseus’

11:30 – 12:30 = Panel 2 – ‘Changing Cultural Identities throughout Time and Space’

Tamar Hodos, William Allen, Samuel Agbamu and Negar Elodie Behzadi

12:30 – 13:00 = Poster Exhibition and Lab Tours at Digital Humanities, and Sarah Scaife’s Workshop for Practice Based Researchers ‘Ticks & Wishes’

14:00 – 15:30 = Session 4 – ‘Traversing Change’

16:00 – 17:30 = Session 5 – Creative Performances

  • Joanne Rush and Anna Dempsey – ‘An Interview with Two Novelists’
  • Pete Yelding, Bath Spa University – ‘Presenting the Musical Knowledge of the Lucknow Shahjahanpur Gharana through Translations on Sitar and Cello’
  • Claire Carroll, Bath Spa University – ‘The Sun is Only a Shipwreck Insofar as a Woman’s Body Resembles It’
  • Open mic slot

Day 3: Friday 2nd September

We have arranged a variety of options for Day 3 so you can explore Exeter and some of its most famous attractions as part of the Festival.

These activities have been graciously funded by the DTP so there will be no cost to you, and each group (decided on the day) will be joined by one of the Festival organisers.

10:00 = Meet outside Holland Hall (check-out for those in accommodation)

11:00 = Tours Start

13:00 = Group Lunch (location TBC)

After lunch, the Festival will be formally over, but please do feel free to continue to explore the city and campus as you wish!

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